The English version is the official version used by the Aborto na Nuvem service.
Refund Policy – Updated on 22/12/2013
Abortion Cloud adopts a refund policy as a courtesy to the cases of packages that are lost in the customs of the countries to which they refer. In this case, you should make contact with Abortion Cloud and request the cancelation of your payment.
An application for refund or chargeback will not be possible for the situations described below:
Endereços de entrega errados ou inexistentes.
Incorrect delivery addresses result in the loss of your order. After posting your request is not possible to change the delivery address.
Delays in the post office.
Often the central post office has administrative problems or suffers from strikes. Abortion Cloud is not responsible for notifying you in the case of such problems or delays.
Absence of a responsible for the request.
If there is no responsible for receipt of the order, hardly it can be withdrawn directly at post offices.
Failure in the use of misoprostol.
You have to keep in mind and understand that no doctor, nurse or administrative staff can ensure that the medical abortion will give you the desired results. A medical abortion can have margins failures between 5% and 15%.
Not following the usage guidelines.
The failure or disobedience to follow the instructions for use may lead to the medical abortion to fail. Abortion Cloud is not responsible for non-compliance of the observations made on the website.
Side effects.
A medical abortion can have side effects. You have to keep in mind and understand that because of using the product for medical abortion, you can suffer adverse effects, including, but not limited to, those side effects listed and informed on this website.
Return the order.
A medical abortion is done using the drug misoprostol. To ensure the quality and efficacy of the procedure you can not return the product once it has been sent.
Non-conformity with regulations.
The website Abortion Cloud, doctors and all the staff are not responsible for non-compliance with important requirements and regulations of the destination country. This will be your responsibility as the requester of abortion service.
Os casos de roubo após a saída das aduaneiras não são cobertos por reembolso ou reenvio. Sendo responsabilidade da paciente solicitar junto as unidades de correios locais a devida satisfação pelo ocorrido.
Recebimento por pessoas não autorizadas.
Extravios devido ao recebimento por porteiros ou outros desconhecidos não são cobertos por reembolso ou reenvio.